Here There be Gerblins

About the Author

An ostensibly human author, writing about ambiguously mythical, exceptionally queer characters.

CS Caprul, fondly refered to as Cam by friends and family, began writing as a small child, when they would craft intricate stories in their head that featured their plethora of dolls as characters. Granted, none of these stories made it onto paper until some years later, but they will always cite their American Girl dolls, Josephina and Stacy, as major stepping stones in the path to becoming a fully-fledged author.

Cam was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio, and graduated from Wright State University with a degree in English: Language Arts Education in 2018. They have since moved to northern Nevada with their wife, dog, and cat (later, they would also get a snake). Cam enjoys reading, eating pasta salad by the metric ton, and queering any piece of media that they can get their grubby goblin hands on.

Cam currently teaches seventh grade English Language Arts in a rural northern Nevada town, and in their off-time (which is almost never, but that's Teacher Life™) writes sci-fi/fiction/fantasy short stories and novels.

Currently Cam is working on a novel titled Nearsight, a preview chapter of which you can read in the "Previews" tab!